What Does Google Penalise For?

It’s often confusing as to which actions just damage performance and which ones will actually earn you an official Google penalty. Here are the actions that will leave you with a slap on the wrist, or worse – no traffic to your site at all.

  1. Cloaking

This is showing something different to search engines and users whereas redirecting the bots but not the users is also a violation of Google’s guidelines which will end up in receiving a penalty. Both processes involve showing certain links and texts only to search engines and showing HTML to the search engines but users seeing only images.

  1. Manipulating Backlinks

Google will recognise a pattern of unnatural links designed to cause deception and manipulation with artificial links directed towards a website. For advice on SEO Services Dublin, contact www.rycomarketing.ie/seo-services/

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  1. Auto-generated content

One of Google’s recent algorithms has been targeted specifically at looking for high-quality and useful content. Any content on a site that’s been auto-generated, scraped from elsewhere, copied or placed together with little value or meaning will be flagged up by Google and penalised.

  1. Site Performance

If your site is suffering from serious technical issues, it could lead to it being removed completely by Google. This isn’t a penalty as such but removing your site entirely from search results can have a massive impact on your business. Keeping your site running well and speedy enough for users is paramount.

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  1. Incompatibility

Your site must be mobile-friendly to satisfy Google’s requirements. Mobile web browsing has now overtaken desktop use, so if a site isn’t up to Google’s mobile-friendly policy, it won’t be getting any search results boosts anytime soon.

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