How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

High-strength acrylic baths are a novelty for the Europe market because almost 10-15 years ago almost no one knew about them. Of course, the quality of the bath will directly depend on the manufacturer, because the best sanitary ware is produced in Germany, Finland, Italy, domestic baths, alas, cannot boast of such high quality, but their prices are lower, which makes such sanitary ware affordable for citizens. Today we will tell about which acrylic bath to choose!

How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

Features of production and selection – expert advice with photos

If you choose a high-quality acrylic bath, you should be aware that this sanitary ware is made from different materials:

  • cast acrylic, characterized by high strength, resistance to mechanical stress, aggressive media, and even hard water;
  • extruded, which is characterized by minimal strength.

The first option is ideal for apartments, hotels and those establishments where the bath will be used frequently. Products made from extruded material are not too strong, so they are not suitable for continuous use.

How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

Tip!  If you do not know which bathroom to choose, then look at the products of Jacob Delafon (France), Villeroy & Boch (Germany), Roca (Spain). Inexpensive acrylic baths are represented in the collections of domestic companies – these are “Triton”, “Aquatek”. The average price segment is baths produced in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Belarus.

Why should you choose a bath made from acrylic?

Baths made from this material do not have such strength as cast-iron ones, but they are still very popular. This can be explained by the attractive appearance of the plumbing, the ability to perform the restoration, long operational period, because such a bath if the recommendations for operation are observed, will serve you at least 15 years.

Other advantages of such baths include:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties, so the water will cool more slowly;
  • easy to clean with clean water;
  • low weight, because most often the mass of the bath does not exceed 30-35 kg;
  • very simple installation;
  • the bath is not “buzzing” at the time when water is drawn into it;
  • hygiene, because acrylic is not covered with mold or fungus.

How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

Important!  The surface of the bath is covered with anti-slip composition. Choose a bath from this material can people in the family who have a child or an elderly person because slipping in it is almost impossible.

There are products and disadvantages, the first of which is low resistance to mechanical damage. A bath can scratch any object; it is incompatible with abrasive substances. If you decide to clean this type of plumbing with the help of special powders, it will be covered with ugly scratches that can be removed only with the help of restoration.

The main disadvantage is the high cost because acrylic models are 25-30% more expensive than cast-iron ones. The high cost is due to the popularity of this type of plumbing and expensive materials that are used for production. But it is better to pay more, getting the plumbing of excellent quality.

How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

How to choose a bath from high-quality acrylic: useful tips

Baths can be oval, angular, asymmetrical, and square – a variety of forms is amazing! Therefore, you can easily choose a model for a bathroom that does not take up much space. Do not forget about our advice, getting a good bath from this material:

  • the coating should be smooth, it should not be chipped, scratched and other defects;
  • Get models that are made from sheets 5-7 mm thick. Such products are more expensive, but their strength is beyond doubt;
  • choose a molded product;
  • Choose a bath with a large number of reinforcing layers.

Note that the sheet thickness, which can be 2-7 mm, is one of the most important selection criteria. Baths made from 2-3 mm thick sheets will last you no more than 3 years, models made of 3-5 mm sheets will please you for 6-7 years, if the sheet thickness is 5-7 mm, then the product you will operate for at least 10-15 years.

Tip!  Before you choose a bath, put your hand to it, and then run your hand over the surface. If the palm glides over the surface, and you feel the tubercles, then you have a defective product. Acrylic is so smooth that the palm does not slide over it, but sticks like to glass.

How To Choose An Acrylic Bath?

If you choose the right bath made from acrylic with a normal sheet thickness, you will never encounter an unpleasant odor, scratches, deformation of the product. Follow our tips to buy cool plumbing!

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